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Adaptation to climate change in the river basins of Dauria : Ecology and water management / E. Simonov, O. Goroshko, E. Egidarev [и др.]. - Электрон. дан. (1 файл). - Москва : Всемир. фонд дикой природы (WWF), 2013. - 137 с. - URL: http://www.iprbookshop.ru/13526.
Аннотация: This report presents the first results of the Research and Conservation Program “Influence of Climate Changes on the Ecosystems of Dauria Ecoregion and Nature-protecting Adaptation”, which is implemented at Dauria International Protected Area (DIPA). The report is dedicated to stopping degradation of the natural ecosystems in Dauria and preserving globally endangered species under conditions of intensified economic development and periodic water deficit caused by climatic cycles. The report primarily covers the Northeast of Dauria Steppe Ecoregion its geography, climate, ecosystems and their dynamics, anthropogenic impacts on natural processes, ecological monitoring, protected areas planning and management, water resources management and threats to aquatic ecosystems. This publication was funded by WWF Russia and UNECE Water Convention.
ББК: 20
Рубрики: Естественные науки
Ключевые слова: изменение климата, экология, управление водными ресурсами, экологический мониторинг
Ссылка на ресурс: http://www.iprbookshop.ru/13526